Early start to weekend
As part of my induction program, a visit to a Voluntary Welfare Organisation is mandatory for all newbies. Went for mine after lunch on Fri, which ended early at 5pm, and my kind HOD granted me early off to go home and no need to go back to office. The best thing is that this VWO was in Hougang, super near my place, which meant I reached home like super early. Hee, coupled with the visit, it was a very relaxing Friday indeed!
Thought-provoking visit
The VWO arranged was Sunlove Home for the Intellectually Imfirmed, where residents were mainly either intellectually challenged or suffering from mental illness. Majority of them were elderly suffering from dementia, Parkinson's etc. Was overwhelmed seeing all the residents so vulnerable and helpless.. My heart really went out to them, felt very sad when considering their plight. It's times like this that I realise just how fortunate it is to be able to get by each day - Something that's so easy to take for granted. How many ppl can really remember or bother to feel grateful for each day, and derive happiness and joy from the simplest things? I try to, but it's often easy to be lost in grumbles and gripes, rather than appreciate the little pleasures, not to mention being surrounded by loved ones..

Sharon's bday bash @ Momo
Was a pretty fun party - got to doll up, chill out and relax in nice company. Interesting event of the nite: Reunion with a pri sch classmate! Once again, proof that Singapore's such a tiny tiny place! He's Sharon's close fren from Sec Sch.. Really so qiao! He's not from my Pri 5 n 6 class, but we were in the same class from Pr 2, 3 and 4. Recognised him almost instantly, though he couldn't recall who I am. Haha, shall comfort myself that I dun resemble that geeky nerd I was anymore, so that's something to be happy about! Haha. K la, later in the night he did say he remembered who I was liao, though not very convincing.. :p
Anyway, Sharon's frens were a really nice bunch to hang out with.. was great getting to know these ppl. Of cos, Ying was there too, and we all had a yummy dimsum supper in Geylang after calling it a nite at 2am (start early, end early. I like! Haha)
Yvonne's church wedding
Attended a colleague (Yvonne)'s church wedding on Sat afternoon. Most memorable part of the wedding: When the groom played and sang a song specially composed for the bride. It was a total surprise for her, and the lyrics were like soooooo sweet!
"On a Saturday night, if you feel like shopping,
I will go with you wherever you like, even if there's a football match that nite.."
"I'll bring you to the concerts of all your favourite stars,
And I'll learn all your favourite songs, so I can sing them to you one by one.."
"I can't wait to spend my life with you.. Even when our hair is grey and our teeth have all fallen out, I'll still say 'I love you' everyday.."
How sweet is that... So many of us got all teary-eyed and touched by the song, not to mention Yvonne, who was really moved to tears.. Aww.. Lucky gal!!
Date with Wenxin
Had a nice relaxed meeting with Wenxin at Bishan, doing no-brainer stuff like shopping for nice accessories n having a yummy sushi dinner.. Hanging out with my close buddies is always a therapeutic experience for mi.. Very calming and uplifting. Thanks babe, for initiating the date! You really helped brighten my weekend! =)
Do-nothing Sunday
Spent the entire day just nuahing, reading papers and watching tv.. Also in great company most of the time as well. =) The rest of the time? Not that company was bad, just that was pretty much alone la. Haha. :p Oh, discovered a new fav dessert: Mac's Berrynice Yogurt! Very nice.. Frozen blueberries, lotsa strawberries drenched in creamy yogurt, topped with nuts.. Bliss! Hee. Though someone wasn't very amused that I had that for brekkie, and tried to tempt mi with Ya Kun/Lao You Tiao/Jollibean after tat. :p Initially was craving for kaya toast, but jus too full from the yogurt and coffee, so all craving was overwritten by the bloatedness. Thanks though for the effort, and concern that I'm not eating enuff.. Trust that I'm not starving myself k. =)
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